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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

LiL Borneo™ VaLenTine'♥ GiFts

LiL Borneo™ Gifts House HANDMADE FluFFy BuDDieS


♥♥♥ RM12 only (1 pair) ♥♥♥

Material: Wool, Felt, Eye, Whisker
Measurement: 5cm * 5cm

Location: Kuching - COD available around Jalan Tun Jugah area (upon appointment)

1. U may request to change the FluFFy BuDDieS colors to your preference (upon availability). Available colors: White, Pink, Green, Purple, Blue, Grey, Yellow, Brown

2. U may customize it to be.. for display (the string will be cut off), or for hanging on bags or put in ur car (the string will remain)

1. gRaCefuL LaMb (Code: LB001)

2. sWeeTy TuRtLe (Code: LB002)
*note: the strings at the bottom of the turtles will be cut off.. u wont be able to see the strings when they reach u ^^
3. aMiabLe PiGGy (Code: LB003)
4. LoVeLy PeNguin (Code: LB004)
5. aDoRabLe MoUsey (Code: LB005)
6. NauGhty MoNkey (Code: LB006)
7. CoMeLy dOggy (Code: LB007)
8. PreTTy RaBBit (Code: LB008)
9. WiTTy kiTTy (Code: LB009)
10. sTuNNing cHick (Code: LB010)

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